Noble Patriarch has created a way to leverage the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) and the resulting analytics to improve profitability and sustainability throughout the food supply chain.

And more importantly, provide for The Food Insecure.

The Problem

Up to 40 percent of the food in the United States is never eaten.
But at the same time, one in eight Americans struggles to put enough food on the table.


A recent survey by the American Chemistry Council, estimated the average household throws out $640 of food each year.

1 T

Worth of food wasted

1 T

CO2 emitted by food waste


Food waste per capita

Every Year.



Leveraging the latest in automation and realtime decisioning, Noble Patriarch has developed a patented new technology that will help ease the burdens throughout the food supply chain by increasing efficiencies, creating a 360° feedback loop, substantially reducing food waste, helping the average family save money and putting food on the tables of those in need.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Advances in IoT-enabled technology have helped the field grow from the novelty of asking Alexa silly questions to an integral part of consumers’ lives. Consumers have synchronized and automated everything from tackling mundane tasks to leading a healthier lifestyle. According to a recent study by Gartner4, there will be 20.4 Billion connected IoT devices by the end of 2020.

360° Feedback Loop

Although it’s still an important factor, price is no longer the only variable in the equation for business and consumer decision makers. Customers, businesses and the government are placing an increased focus on philanthropic, technological and sustainability criteria.


Food Insecure

What is the Solution?

An advanced IoT software complex, that creates a 360° Feedback Loop
between Producers, Retailers and End Users.​

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