
The crucial connection from farm to table

Food distributors rely upon a clear line of sight between themselves and their suppliers (manufacturers), re-sellers and end-users. Any breakdown in understanding product demand and inventory can be disastrous for food distribution centers, leading to decreased profits, poor customer satisfaction, and unnecessary food waste.

will give distributors a real-time understanding of supply and demand, impact of marketing messages and optimized merchandising strategies. Distributors will have access to real-time trend analyses by connecting to anonymized data from residential and commercial kitchens. They can understand household usage, future demand, waste and consumption streams. Their donations to the food insecure will be easier to coordinate and report to the government. 

Distributors can work with manufacturers and retailers to improve omnichannel marketing and sales.

A great example of this is the inception of Wonky Fruits and Vegetables, a branded supply of misshaped or asymmetrical products that would often be overlooked when lined up next to “normal” products. Although having the same quality, these products would often not be chosen and be wasted.

Wonky has not only found a way to reduce food waste, it also uses its brand to teach children about waste as well as teach them that abnormal is good, not bad.

What is the Solution?

An advanced IoT software complex, that creates a 360° Feedback Loop

between Producers, Retailers and End Users.