The government

Key oversight and access to the food production chain

The EPA estimated that in 2017 in the United States, more food reached landfills and combustion facilities than any other single material in our everyday trash, at 22% of the amount landfilled and at 22% of the amount combusted with energy recovery. Reducing food waste will help the United States address climate change, as 20% of total U.S. methane emissions come from landfills.

By keeping food in our communities and drastically reducing waste, we can help address the 37 million Americans that live in food insecure households.

With the government continuing to measure adherence to tax codes and revitalizing their effort to reduce waste, a system is needed to manage the food supply chain and deliver fresh food to tables that normally do not have access.

will help key Government agencies reduce inefficiencies in their current process, monitor food usage, address waste and deliver food to those in need.
Governments will be better enabled to feed their population by understanding consumer and industry meta-data in consumption and waste.

What is the Solution?

An advanced IoT software complex, that creates a 360° Feedback Loop

between Producers, Retailers and End Users.