
The backbone of American food production

Food production in the US uses:

1 %

of the total energy budget

1 %

of all land

1 %

of all fresh water consumed

At the top of the supply chain, farmers are most susceptible to existential factors and market volatility.

If demand for farmers’ product goes down, profit margins are reduced or eliminated to the point where it is more efficient to destroy rather than deliver.

If demand is up, quality goes down and further diminishes as it goes through the supply chain; impacting customer satisfaction and repeat business. Labor and food preservation systems are not easily adjusted to market unsteadiness and existential issues.

A recent study by McKinsey pointed to farmers’ frustrations of lagging behind in the omnichannel world.

Farmers not only need better communications with their suppliers, but also, with their customer segments. These 360° communications will help farmers understand how to provide a better product set, increase satisfaction throughout the supply chain, predict ongoing demand and direct products to the Food Insecure, rather than compost.

Farmers can reduce labor costs and grow profit margins by better understanding demand, customer feedback, usage and resource allocations.

Noble Patriarch will create a 360° feedback loop where farmers better understand supplier trends
and market needs and preferences.

will also help farmers reduce their carbon footprint , electricity and machine usage by having a line of site into the supply needs of their product and demand needs of their producers. A reduction in production and excess delivery will save farmers money and help the environment through focus on perfecting only what is needed.

As an additional benefit, farmers can claim deductions for donating portions of their crops to charities for the food insecure. Having a closer eye to product demand will allow them to foresee surplus and get it into the hands of the less fortunate, before it goes to waste.

Often lost in the equation:​
The halo effect of being a good neighbor
can not be underestimated.​

Customers feel good about purchasing from an organization that helps the community and often show
increased loyalty as a result.​

What is the Solution?

An advanced IoT software complex, that creates a 360° Feedback Loop

between Producers, Retailers and End Users.