food insecure

Overlooked and in need of a Solution

The average person living in America wastes nearly one pound of food daily. That combined “waste” is enough to feed two billion extra people per year. Another stat that will leave people wondering, “so where is the breakdown?”, “it seems pretty simple.”

We’ve talked about the tax and promotional benefits to corporations for food donation. Not only is there financial incentive, but it also makes more logistical sense. If a supermarket, farmer or restaurant has a large quantity of food to donate, it is worth the expense of transporting it. It’s also easier to predict potential food waste and have a line of site to food banks and shelter needs. As discussed in the document, that process is still in need of structure and consistency, that  will provide.

That still leaves 365 lbs of food per person, per year.

Giving that waste a potential three days of expiration (for demonstration purposes only), that splits the potential donation into a twice a week donation of 3.5 lbs per person. Taking the 290 lbs out of aggregate makes the logistics complicated and the payoff less enticing for all parties concerned.

With  , there will also be a 360° communication stream between the consumer and their chosen charity. The charity will be able to provide real-time updates of how those donations are directly helping — real people. The charity will be able to look inside the donator’s refrigerator, understand what food will potentially go to waste and request it.

There is also the social component to this process, the form of community and social media.
Local friends and neighbors can consolidate resources and provide meals to the food insecure, making the whole process even more pragmatic from a logistical standpoint.

What is the Solution?

An advanced IoT software complex, that creates a 360° Feedback Loop

between Producers, Retailers and End Users.